Wednesday 21 April 2010

Magazine: Mayfair


Rodrigo said...


Excellent blog! Do you have the Brigitte Bardot Mayfair cover from 1971? It would be great if you cold post pictures of her before 1974.
Thank you!

Tarkus said...

Hi Rodrigo, thank you very much (you're welcome). Not at the moment, if you want to look all about BB I've posted...
Hold on.

VANINA said...

Grazie, Tarkus. Beautiful pictures of the most beautiful woman ever. I never get enough of her.
You have many precious vinyls. Do you have, in your collection, the soundtrack of the film "À coeur joie" (italian title: "Io, l'amore") of 1967?
Thanks again!

Tarkus said...

Thanks to you, dear friend. Sorry no, I don't (I never seen the movie too... the English title was "two weeks in september"?).

Rodrigo said...

Yes, it's "Two weeks in september". It's a little slow, but she was at the height of her beauty in that moive.
Take care!